Pedblyth replied

295 weeks ago


Around The World In 80 Days Full Movie Torrent > /QXJvdW5kIHRoZSBXb3JsZCBpbiA4MCBEYXlzIGZ1bGwgbW92aWUgdG9ycmVudGhuZG1zQXJ/ZG93bmxvYWR8dm8wTWpFM2ZId3hOVE0zTWpNeU1qQTNmSHd5TVRBMGZId29SVTVIU1U1RktTQkhkV2xzWkhkdmNtc2dXMUJ2YzNSZElIdDk/rearrange]DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

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Set in 1890, the story focuses on Passepartout, a Chinese thief who steals a valuable jade Buddha and then seeks refuge in the traveling companionship of an eccentric London inventor and adventurer, Phileas Fogg, who has taken on a bet with members of his gentlemen's club that he can make it around the world in a mere 80 days, using a variety of means of transportation, like boats, trains, balloons, elephants, etc. Along the way, Passepartout uses his amazing martial arts abilities to defend Fogg from the many dangers they face.. One major threat to their adventure is a detective that's following them. Why? Just as Fogg and Passeportout left London, a major bank was robbed, with Fogg suspected of using the "around the world" trip as an excuse to escape.. Their path from London and back includes stops in Paris, Turkey, India, China and USA.
To win a bet, an eccentric British inventor beside his Chinese valet and an aspiring French artist, embarks on a trip full of adventures and dangers around the world in exactly 80 days.
I gave this movie 3 out 10… why? because it is a good, funny comedy… and it would be great for if not one fact… The movie&#39;s name is &quot;Around the World in 80 Days&quot; but has nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, to do with great Jules Verne…<br/><br/>Maybe that&#39;s just me, because I am a fan of this french writer, who created 99% of my childhood heroes… (I even had chosen Geography as my profession I was so much affected by his works)… maybe that&#39;s why I will never forgive nor director of this movie, nor entire crew and actors who made this mess out of my beloved writer&#39;s novel.<br/><br/>If you had never touch any book of Verne, like jackie Chan type fake kung fu movies and just want some easy crap, go see this movie… you will really laugh, but if you really love Jules Verne, if you really grew up on his works, then stay away… because at the end, you will be cursing everyone who worked on this movie.
I learned this lesson by the time I was ten – Disney films &quot;based on&quot; a well-loved book or story are always horrendous mutations apparently written by people who once saw a &quot;Classics Comics&quot; version and couldn&#39;t remember it all that well. I should have known that &quot;Around The World in 80 Days&quot; wouldn&#39;t be any different. About the only things left from the original Verne masterpiece are the character names and the trip around the world. Nothing else is the same – and the movie suffers for it.<br/><br/>Oddly enough, it&#39;s a fun flick. Some laughs, some action, some romance. A little suspense, some thrills. But it&#39;s not Verne&#39;s book. Or Mike Todd&#39;s classic film. And anyone expecting something with more than a superficial resemblance to the *real* &quot;Around The World in 80 Days&quot; will be grossly disappointed.<br/><br/>If you&#39;re basically ignorant of culture or literary history, you&#39;ll like this film. If you don&#39;t care about Disney hacks savaging a classic story in a typical misguided Hollywood attempt to &quot;punch it up&quot;, you&#39;ll like this film. If, however, you care about original sources, and want to see a faithful film translation of those sources, you will wince at *every* scene in this movie; save your money and go rent the *real* film of the book – Mike Todd&#39;s version – from Blockbuster.
Despite its contemporary touches Around the World in 80 Days is a satisfying slice of old-fashioned storybook entertainment.
No. For the most part this is a film that draws loose inspiration from the Verne novel. A more faithful adaptation was made in 1956.<br/><br/>To name a few specific and obvious changes from the novel:<br/><br/>-In the film, Phileas Fog is an eccentric inventer who takes a bet for a position of auhority. In the book he was a recluse who spent most of his time playing cards and the bet was simply a sum of money.<br/><br/>-Passpartout in the book was much more open with Fog. He was being honest when he said he was French, and there was no sub-plot about him taking advantage of Fog to achieve a hidden agenda. Also in the film he is responsible for the bank robbery, despite having nothing to do with it in the book.<br/><br/>-While the bank robbery did happen in the book, it is given a larger role and serves as motivation for the characters. Lord Kelvin also pins it on Fog as an excuse to keep him from winning the bet. In the book, the robbery happened of-screen and had nothing to do the main characters. Inspector Fix only mistook Fog for the robber because his appearance matched the description he had been given of the actual criminal.<br/><br/>-In the film, Inspector Fix is depicted as a dim-witted officer who is manipulated by Kelvin. In the book, he was much more reasonable, having mistaken Fog for the robber based on his appearance matching the description. He also eventually helps Fog and releases him when he realizes his mistake.<br/><br/>-The love interest in the book was an Indian princess, not a French artist.
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